Leveling and Feeding Machine

GS-906N New clip feeder


Dayeepress GS-906N New clip feeder is an advanced industrial equipment widely used in automated production lines. It combines the advantages of traditional clamp feeding machines and adopts more advanced technology and design concepts to transport materials from one place to another through clamping.It usually consists of a clamping device, transmission mechanism, and control system, which can adjust the conveying speed and clamping force according to production needs to meet the conveying requirements of different materials.

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Clip feeder(single strip) Suitable for high speed and high precision feeding SPM

Up to 1200 times/min

3.Product Features

3.1.It is suitable for punching products that require high-speed machining and require high-precision feeding(up to 1200 feeds per minute)

3.2.When the machine is running,it is quiet and silent,and does not cause noise in the workplace.

3.3.The surface of the material will not leave any indentation,can make the plating material  aluminum  alloy,stainless  steel,copper,iron,or secondary  engineering   manufacturers,get the most perfect stamping products.

3.4.All adjustments are scaled,easy to operate,good stability,any staff can easily operate.The body is integrally formed to avoid the resonance caused by the stamping and affect the feeding accuracy.

4.Technical specifications

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Personalized customization can be carried out according to customer needs.